WHAT is a Service that Triggers a Quick Assessment?
Setting a service to trigger a Quick Assessment is a feature that allows chosen scale services to trigger an automatic positive movement in the client's profile. Users with access to the Agency Admin portion of Genesis can set certain services to automatically cause positive outcome scale movement, eliminating the need for the case worker to conduct a reassessment; the system will automatically move the client to a predetermined assessment outcomes when they are assigned that service. For example, if a Housing Voucher were set to trigger a Quick Assessment, the client would automatically move to "Safe and secure subsidized public housing" on the self-sufficiency matrix. This movement would be done immediately upon assignment of this service as the client's housing placement situation has automatically improved.
WHY does eLogic Genesis have services that trigger Quick Assessments?
Scales services that trigger Quick Assessments streamline case manager's and caseworker's clients' movement and assessment information.