Know Your Field Type!

Follow this handy guide to help you decide which field type best fits your e-form building needs!

  • Radio: select this field type if only one option can be selected. This option is best for five or fewer answers

an example would be “Yes or No” questions

  • Checkbox: select this field type if more than one option can be selected

an example would be “Check all that apply…” questions

  • Textbox: select this field type if a short answer is needed

an example would be “Who is Your Emergency Contact?”

  • Drop-down: select this field type if only one option can be selected. This option is best for more than five answers

An example would be “Education Level”

  • Large Textbox: select this field type if a long answer is needed

an example would be “Please explain the situation:”

Need more help? 

Click here to Know Your Form Choices!

Click here to Know Your Form Layout!