WHAT are Applications?
Applications help guide staff and clients to specific services or programs for which the client may qualify. The Applications section can be thought of like a “software wizard” where it will walk users through required information to give the client a certain service or place them in a certain program.
Applications, when set up by a user with Agency Admin permissions, can alert staff and clients if a client meets pre-established criteria for services or programs. Applications can also display if a client meets requirements established by an Eligibility Calculator.
Applications contain and track three major data areas: Demographics, Assessments, and Forms. Any required data in each of these areas must be designated as such by a user with Agency Admin permissions. When any data are selected as required for an application, that information must be present in a client's profile to see if they may qualify for the service or program under that Application.
WHY does eLogic Genesis have Applications?
Applications help to streamline case management process. Applications, when set up properly, do a lot of the work so you don't have to!
Click here to learn HOW a Standard User can work with Applications.