WHAT are Client Types?
Client Type is a customizable status displaying how each client is categorized within the system. Client Types can be accessed and changed on a client's profile via drop-down list in the client information box located above the left sidebar. Each organization must first customize the options available via Agency Admin -> Lookups -> Client Type tab displayed. Client Type can be changed in a client's profile. Simply click the drop-down menu, select the Client Type, and click Save. Changes to the Client Type will be stored historically, so you can view the Client's Type changes over time.
Some Client Type Examples:
Potential Client - These are persons seeking any services in an agency. Checking eligibility for any of the agency’s programs determines if a person becomes a client. Potential clients may “enter” the agency as a walk-in, phone call, email or referral from another agency. These client types can move from different types and need to be updated accordingly. These clients can receive a Quick Referral however any other type of service requires a user to shift them to a different client type.
Direct Service Client -These are clients who are not case managed but receive a “quick” service. There is no expectation that providing the service(s) will change the customer’s status but rather avoid a crisis or provide sufficient assistance to help the client out of a crisis situation. Case Management and a Goal Plan is not needed for direct service clients but careful documentation is required to demonstrate the provision of the service.
A Direct Service client is administered by the Primary Assessment Scales to identify need from which provision of service is determined.
Case Management Client - These are clients who can benefit from case management. The goals and expected outcomes of case managed clients are to achieve a significant change in client status by creating a Goal Plan that organizes the services/interventions with clear and measurable goals and objectives with a starting and end point for the case managed client. Services are linked to the Goal Plan which has short and long term goals negotiated between the client and the case worker. Clients may receive services and assessments throughout the year and can be case managed for more than one year.
WHY does eLogic Genesis have Client Types?
Differentiating why a client was input into Genesis is a key feature for many agencies that need to separate the various reasons clients came to their agencies. eg; A client may be considered an encounter if they only required a Quick Service, or a drop-in may have been a person who only asked for information. When running reports, these Client Types can be identified and accounted for.
Learn how to select a client type in client profiles here.
Agency Admins: Learn how to set up client types here.