WHAT are Application Info Cards?

In a client's profile under the Applications tab, you can view an Application Info card by clicking the blue ( i ) icon in the top right corner of an application.

The application box will flip over and display the information associated with this program or service. 

If an Eligibility Calculator has been created for this program or service, all eligibility requirements will be shown on the info card. 

Each requirement the client meets will have a green check-mark. 

Each requirement the client does not meet will have a red X. 

If the client meets all Eligibility Requirements for this program or service as set by the Eligibility Calculator, the text will become white. 

If the client does not meet all Eligibility Requirements for this program or service as set by the Eligibility Calculator, the text will remain grayed out. 

In the example above, this client qualifies for the Housing Assistance service that is under the CSBG Services Eligibility Calculator. 

This client does not qualify for the Housing Assistance service that is under the Veterans Services Eligibility Calculator.

WHY does eLogic Genesis have Application Info Cards?

Application Info Cards show at-a-glance all relevant qualifying information for a program or service. This is a useful tool that, when working with clients, can provide a visual aid to help understand why they do or do not qualify for certain services or programs.