Below are each Ad Hoc rule Category and the Rules contained therein
Category: Assessments
Outcome Placement - retrieves results for clients who have selected a specific Domain, Scale outcome on a previous assessment.
Outcome Movement Positive - retrieves results for clients who have demonstrated positive movement captured by previous assessments.
Outcome Movement Negative - retrieves results for clients who have demonstrated negative movement captured by previous assessments.
Outcome Stagnation - retrieves results for clients who have demonstrated no movement captured by previous assessments.
Assessment - retrieves results based on how many of the selected assessments the client has taken.
Category: Custom Fields
Your organization’s previously created custom fields are displayed here. To include any of these options in the report results, select the custom field then whichever option(s) on which you wish to report.
Category: Demographics
All client demographic data points are displayed here. To include any of these options in the report results, select the demographic, then click the gear icon to select the appropriate rule qualifier.
Category: Financial
Income Source Increase - retrieves clients who have documented any increase in their income source.
Income Source Decrease - retrieves clients who have documented any decrease in their income source.
Income Source Stagnation - retrieves clients who have documented no change to their income source.
Employment Wage Increase - retrieves clients who have documented any increase in their employment wages.
Employment Wage Decrease - retrieves clients who have documented any decrease in their employment wages.
Employment Wage Stagnation - retrieves clients who have documented no change to their employment wages.
Income Source Exclusion - retrieves clients who have no income entered directly into any Income Groups under their Budget screen
Category: Goal Plans
Has Goal Plan - retrieves clients who have a Goal Plan documented in Genesis
No Goal Plan - retrieves clients who do not have a Goal Plan documented in Genesis
Category: Services
Service Selection - retrieves clients who have received a specific service
Service Exclusion - retrieves clients who have not received any services
Service Wildcard - retrieves clients who have received any service. This can be for any service in any Domain or any service within a specific Domain(s).