You're ready to begin building Custom Reports? Great!

Before you start, please read this. It contains important client privacy/HIPAA information.


Identify What You Wish to Report On!

Before you begin, know what data points (results) you wish to see after running the report.

Are you looking to run a report to see information on individual clients?

Are you looking to run a report to see information on programs?

Perhaps you would like to report on a client’s positive outcome, negative outcome, or outcome stagnation?

Once you know what specifically you would like to report on, select that Report Type.

As you will soon find out, eLogic Genesis offers 12 different Custom Report Types. It may not be clear in the beginning which report will best meet your needs. A handy way to know which Report Type will work best is to remember that the report will return one item per row as designated by the Report Type.

A couple examples to get started: 

If you wish to build and run a report that will display one client per row, select the Demographics Report Type.

If you wish to build and run a report that will display one service per row, select the Services Report Type.

Custom Report Types and their common uses:

Demographics - This report is used primarily for most basic data points and Assessment counts. In general, this is the most used report type of all the report types.

Program - This report is primarily used to track client programs.

Services - This report is primarily used gather data associated with service information, such as hours, cost, service approval status, etc.

Training - This report is primarily used to track client trainings.

Employment - This report is primarily used to gather data associated with Employer information.

Income - This report is primarily used to track client income sources.

Notes - This report is primarily used to track client notes.

Assessments - This report is primarily used to track client assessments.

Outcome Scale - This report is primarily used for measuring an agency's clients' wellness and finding associations to their needs.

Movement - This report can be used to track the effectiveness of different solutions for your clients.

Forms - This report can be used see dates finalized, forms completed and signatures.

Education - This report can be used see education. 

For more assistance in choosing which Report Type will fit your needs, hover your mouse cursor over each report type. The system will display an explanation of how each Report Type functions, the default columns associated, examples, and uses.

This is what it looks like when the mouse cursor is hovering over the Demographics Report Type.