We highly recommend that you start by building the least complicated Role first. You will use that Role as a foundation to build upon and create the next complex Role by Copying Existing Roles. Each Role you create can be a building block for the next, and so on. Using this approach will help to ensure uniformity across users who have access to the same data. It is important to note, however, that some Roles are unique and they should be built accordingly.
It is critical that each Role has access to only the bare minimum features of the system as their position allows.
When creating each Role, always keep in mind that each staff member you assign are on a “need to know” basis; nothing more, nothing less.
Step One: Create a list of the different job positions within your agency, then list staff members under each position
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Some tips to get you rolling:
- If multiple staff members share the same duties and responsibilities, be sure they are listed under the same Role.
- It is not necessary to create a Role for each user if their job duties are the same.
Step Two: Select Role Permissions
When selecting these Role Permissions, ask yourself:
“What does a staff member in this Role ‘need to know’?”
“What doesn’t a staff member in this Role need to know?”
“What are their job duties?”
Go through the list and check off the permissions this user must have to fulfill their job duties. At thee same time, cross off the permissions that do not pertain to their positions.
It can sometimes be difficult to decide what to include or exclude for some Roles. Keep in mind, Roles are Need To Know only! Granting a staff member access to a part of Genesis containing client information they do not “need to know” could result in a privacy breach or HIPAA violation. Choose carefully and be cautious when assigning these Role Permissions.
Remember: It is always easier to grant more access tomorrow than risk a privacy breach today!
Once completed, click here to proceed to the Full Creation Walk-Through.