WHAT is Report Management? 

Users with the Report Management Role Permission enabled will have four tabs available in the Reports section: 

System Reports | Custom Reports | Ad Hoc Reports | My Reports

System Reports: Reports that come standard to every organization within eLogic Genesis. These System Reports were built and set up by eLogic staff. Organizations are not able to edit, delete, or schedule System Reports.

Custom Reports: Reports that eLogic Genesis users with the Report Management Role Permission can create, edit, run, save, schedule, organize, and delete custom reports. Custom reports return results in a spreadsheet format. 

Ad Hoc Reports: Reports comprised of user-created statements that organize the population of whom you are reporting into defined groups based on a series of rules.

My Reports: Contains all System, Custom, and Ad Hoc reports available to your organization in a “Run only” capacity. There are no options to create, edit, save, schedule, organize, or delete reports from the My Reports tab.

Learn more about Custom -vs- Ad Hoc Reports here

WHAT is Report Viewing?

Users with the Report Viewing Role Permission enabled will have one tab available in the Reports section: 

 | My Reports |

My Reports: Contains all System, Custom, and Ad Hoc reports available to your organization in a “Run only” capacity. There are no options to create, edit, save, schedule, organize, or delete reports from the My Reports tab.

WHY does eLogic Genesis differentiate between Report Management and Report Viewing?

We recognize that there are different levels to Reporting permissions. Though one user may need to run reports, they do not need to create, edit, save, schedule, organize, or delete reports. We have made that distinction and give the option to fine-tune these permissions under Agency Admin → Permissions → Role Permissions check-boxes.