1. Click Agency Admin from the System Navigation Bar

2. Click the Agency Settings tab

3. Select Announcements from the list on the left...

If your agency is a Child Agency, your screen will look like this:

Agency Administrators can send Agency Announcements to any Genesis user within their agency.

Click here to learn how to Create an Agency Announcement.

If your agency is a Parent Agency, your screen will look like this:

Parent Agency Administrators can send Agency Announcements to any Genesis user within their agency AND Network Announcements to all Genesis users within any child agency.

Click here to learn how to Create a Network Announcement.

Announcement Creation 


Published Announcement:

This Announcement will be sent to one recipient: Max Powers

The Announcement Title is in the text field below.

The Announcement Content (message) is in the large text field at the bottom

Please note that after you click Publish Announcement, it can take up to three minutes for your Announcement to appear!

This is what the published Announcement pop-up looks like on Max Powers' screen: